Tremendo vídeo de estos de hartarse de reír que encontramos en Idaho. Hecho especialmente para los premios MTV. A destacar: Will Ferrell ejerciendo de Neil Diamond (Sweet Caroline Cherry cherry) y JJ Abrams (sí, el creador de Perdidos) en una especie de brutal Del Shannon (si Del Shannon tocara el órgano Hammond, pero vamos, me entendéis):
Se nota quién es más chulo y guay entre los chulos: Clooney y Tarantino, que no sólo no miran sino que van contándose chascarrillos.
La letra, para que no nos perdamos nada:
It seems like these days the whole world's on fire.
Things keep blowin' the hell up,...
And while all those rubberneckers and looky loos stand slackjawed starin,
The real men have the nuts to walk away.
Cool guys don't look at explosions
They blow things up and then walk away
Who's got time to watch an explosion?
Because cool guys have errands that they have to walk to..
Keep walkin', keep shinin'
Don't look back keep on walkin'
Keep struttin' slow motion
The more you ignore it, the cooler you look
Ladies & gentlemen, please join me in welcoming..
Mr. Neil Diamond!
Will Ferrell: ha ha ha....Where are we?!
Cool guys don't look at explosions
They stride for it in their diamond covered boots
They wear jumpsuits with glitter and rhinestones
And walk away in slow motion..
Keep walkin, you're cruisin..
Cherry Cherry...Sweet Caroline..
Denzel walks...
Will Smith walks...
Mark Wahlberg is wearin a hat!
Going solo....JJ Abrams!
Cool guys don't look at explosions,
Walk fast from the roaring explosion,
And don't think about the people you killed
3 comentarios:
Estos tíos son dioses.
Y no es el primer vídeo que hacen, yo los amo desde que vi el rap de SNL.
Gracias por el comentario!
Como dice el anónimo, Diptico para SNL Dick In a Box y Mother Lover son otros clips imprescindibles
Buenísimo. La introducción me ha recordado a los Real Men of Genius.
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